Palm Sunday

Hey guys! We have been quarantine for the past weeks and we miss you so so much! Here’s a video of today’s message and worship session. We hope you enjoy it and that you share it. Today’s message is about the weight that fell on Jesus and the process that he went through. He went…

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Searching For Answers?

Matthew 6:33 has helped me out so much in trusting the will and purpose of God. When I’m searching for answers, waiting on His response, feeling desperate at times (because yes, I am human, even though at times I wish I was wonder women), this verse has made an impact in my life. If you’re…

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A real promise or just nice words?

Jeremiah 29:11 is a verse that I preached about before and it was one of the very first times I felt the Holy Spirit lead me to bring a prophetic word to my church. I still remember the feeling I got because I’m feeling the same exact feeling now. Its an amazing feeling that I…

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Have you lost something?

2 Kings 6 tells us a story about a prophet loosing his ax in the river. He became upset because the ax was borrowed. Elisha threw a stick into the river where the ax fell into, and the ax miraculously floated to the top. Crazy thing is, that ax was made of iron, which should have…

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Without a Vision People Perish

Judges 7: 9-15 That night the Lord said, “Get up! Go down into the Midianite camp, for I have given you victory over them! But if you are afraid to attack, go down to the camp with your servant Purah. Listen to what the Midianites are saying, and you will be greatly encouraged. Then you…

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When we try to help out God

GENESIS 27:1-29 – It’s interesting that even before Jacob and Esau were born God said “and the elder shall serve the younger”. God had selected the roll of Jacob and Esau before they came to the world. God already knew their character, their hearts and God made a choice. He elected Jacob and the blessed…

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Available Vessels: Keep the Oil Flowing

Last week we spoke about the vessel and how important it is to have Jesus in our lives. He is our worth. He is the treasure. Even though we’re fragile vessels, if God lives inside of us, we have this great treasure that makes us special. Our worth comes from what is within. Today I…

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Are You a Fan of God?

We are all a fan of something or someone. There’s something that gets each of us excited. Many times we scream out the names of artists or teams when we’re cheering for them at concerts or games. Many people have a view of church today as boring and a God not worth cheering for. The…

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Songs From The Soul

When we look at the book of Psalms, we can see the love and devotion one so-in-love expresses for their creator. David, one of the main authors of Psalms (which means “song of praise” in Greek), writes from the depth of his heart as he desires continual devotion with God. He writes of strength, wisdom,…

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