Oficjalna aplikacja Slottica Kasyno w Internecie jest dostępna do pobrania i można ją łatwo zainstalować na urządzeniach mobilnych, w tym smartfonach i tabletach. Aplikacja jest prosta i łatwa w instalacji i nie zajmie dużo miejsca na Twoim urządzeniu. Oczywiście, jeśli nie chcesz jej pobierać, zawsze możesz wpisać w przeglądarce internetowej i cieszyć się grami za pośrednictwem strony internetowej, ponieważ obsługuje ona również wersję mobilną.

Każdy, kto potrzebuje pomocy, może skontaktować się z zespołem obsługi klienta kasyna, z którym można się skontaktować za pośrednictwem różnych kanałów. Korzystanie z czatu na żywo jest najszybszym sposobem na uzyskanie porady. Gracze mogą również skontaktować się z kasynem za pośrednictwem poczty lub telefonu, chociaż te metody zapewniają znacznie wolniejsze odpowiedzi. Jeśli nie jesteś zadowolony ze swoich doświadczeń w kasynie Slottica, pamiętaj, aby wypełnić formularz skargi tutaj. Zajmiemy się Twoją sprawą.

Our vision is to see every middle, high school, college student and young adult in Sullivan County, New York experience conversion, sanctification, transformation and the renewing of the mind. We Are Unplugged // Romans 12:2 is our life verse.

Welcome to Unplugged Youth & Young Adults:
Monticello, NY

We gather in-person for Bible Study on Mondays at 6:30pm.
Keep updated on social media for our latest news.

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Our Latest Studies / Blogs

Can You Smell The Lion’s Breath?

February 6, 2023

In this study we talk about the enemy and how he’s looking to devour us and destroy us. Sometimes the enemy attacks us and is so close to us that we could smell his breath. This study is based on 1 Peter 5:8 where the Lord tells us “Be alert and of sober mind. Your…

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Controlling Our Thoughts

May 12, 2022

Have you ever sat down thinking certain things over yourself and then end up feeling down and sad? That’s because our thoughts create feelings.  Today I want to talk about how to control our thoughts so that we can reap actions, habits and a character that please the Lord. The bible tells us to dwell…

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God is within me and I will not fall

January 26, 2022

Going through my notes all the way from 2017, I reflected on how great God has been to me. There have been prayers answered that I have forgotten about, and there are other prayers I forgot about that have not been answered. What a great reminder, so I can go back and pray for those…

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He is not done with you yet!!

January 20, 2022

Have you ever felt like giving up in life?  Perhaps it could be getting rid of all your responsibilities, running away from your problems, quitting everything you had worked hard for, or maybe in a more serious matter, thought about suicide? In these difficult times we live in, sadly, it is almost the norm to…

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The Cost of Bad decisions

January 3, 2022

In Ruth 1:1-2 we see a series of bad decisions made by a man named Elimelek. In the days when the judges ruled, there was a famine in the land. So a man from Bethlehem in Judah, together with his wife and two sons, went to live for a while in the country of Moab. The man’s name…

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The Power of the Oil

December 8, 2021

If you want to see a miracle in your life you have to be clean and empty. He says give me an empty vessel and I will give you a miracle. You’re either full of trash or full of treasures. 2 Kings 4:3-7 You don’t need to be qualified, you don’t need to get puffed…

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I Want to Heal Your Paralysis

November 2, 2021

We live in a world that’s egocentric. Everyone thinks of “me” – as long as I find a place, everyone else can find their own. There’s a scripture in Mark 2:1-12 that says 2 And when he returned to Capernaum after some days, it was reported that he was at home. 2 And many were gathered together, so that…

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How to Conquer Your Enemies

October 12, 2021

Joshua 24:15 The people of God were slaves in Egypt and when God finally rescued them, they went through a desert. And just like them, we also go through struggles and slavery to sin. There are things we can learn from their journey.  When you come out of Egypt you start to battle, to go…

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Uprooted and Replanted

August 19, 2020

In today’s study we talk about what things surround us that may be disrupting our growth in the Lord. When we talk about growth in the Lord we mean that every day we get closer to him and produce fruit. In the scriptures in Luke 6:45 it says “A good man brings good things out…

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Go back and get it

August 12, 2020

Do you feel like you lost your first love for Jesus? Sometimes we become so distracted by our surroundings that we lose focus of Jesus. 2 Kings 6 tells us a story about a prophet loosing his ax in the river. He became upset because the ax was borrowed. Elisha threw a stick into the river…

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