How to Conquer Your Enemies
Joshua 24:15
The people of God were slaves in Egypt and when God finally rescued them, they went through a desert. And just like them, we also go through struggles and slavery to sin. There are things we can learn from their journey.
When you come out of Egypt you start to battle, to go around with the same “flesh” for 40 years and you struggle with the flesh. But there’s a promise land. The problem is that there’s some people that stay in the desert all their life.
Today I tell you to cross the Jordan River and come out of the flesh and the internal battles.
Sometimes you have to learn these principles:
1: Sometimes we are inpatient. We are used to the instant things and sometimes we want to apply the same principle to God and his ways. God isn’t interested in doing anything instantly. You’re never gonna have instant perfection. The way to have the victory is through going through the battle.
2: Sometimes when we fail we think God is against you. God wants you to stay in the camp battling. We want to control things and have it our own way. Each person wants to do things in their own way. In Jericho through God’s way they went 13 times around and they went down. God tells you: it is not in your own way, it is God’s way, like in Jericho. God wants you to change the way that you get the victory. In the 7th day, they went 7 ways around, they used shofars to make noise. It was God’s way.
When you go God’s way, he prepares you to go to the place he wants you to go and he makes a way for you when you get there. When you get there the enemy is already destroyed.
3: You have to stay in the camp. The enemies are stronger than you, but they’re not stronger than God.
4: God always has to go up front. Because he has to set the way you are going to do it. If we want to use our own muscles and our own tools, we will never win the battle. The battle with the flesh is never gonna end, God will show our weaknesses through our problems. He says “what are you gonna do? You’re gonna get destroyed?” You have to go to God, and you have to see that you have a weak area.
Each time you’re in the battlefield, you have to go to God and each time you have to learn to manage critique, anger, mercy – whatever it is: he wants you to learn!