Posts Tagged ‘jesus’
Our Suffering Shapes Our Soul
Tonight’s study is on James 5, as we look at the suffering around us we can’t help but wonder where is God in all of this? Is there still hope for me? In this study we share words of faith that help us have hope in him and realize that he’s asking us to be…
Read MoreWhat is a true friend?
A true friend has a specific way of being. A true friend is one worthy pursuing. See this study to find out more about characteristics of a true friend.
Read MoreGood Friday Service
Our good friday service – join us here live.
Read MorePalm Sunday
Hey guys! We have been quarantine for the past weeks and we miss you so so much! Here’s a video of today’s message and worship session. We hope you enjoy it and that you share it. Today’s message is about the weight that fell on Jesus and the process that he went through. He went…
Read MoreAre you afraid of the unknown?
Hey all! We miss you guys! We have been now in isolation mode and we want to tell you that we’ve been thinking about you and LOVE YOU! Here’s our Wednesday night message and worship session. Are you afraid of the unknown? Is the fear and anxiety of this world affecting you? This message is…
Read MoreIn Pursuit of Jesus
Luke 19: 1-10 tells us of the story of Zacchaeus. A chief tax collector in the region of Jericho and he had become very rich. He had probably cheated many people in his lifetime, maybe he had become rich as a result of his hard work – the story doesn’t really tell us how he became…
Read MoreThe God Factor
America is facing organized anti-Christian movement, according to the Christian Times. We feel that in our midst people are afraid of religious services and anything to do with God is often times frown upon. We see it in the schools and even public facilities, where Christians are being pushed around and given limits that are not…
Read MoreWho’s Your Shepherd?
Psalms 23 NLT Psalms 23 is a very popular scripture. We hear it everywhere we go, or perhaps see it as a frame hanging in your grandmother’s house with a pretty picture. I have heard this psalm all of my life. From this psalm, one of the verses that get my attention is verse 4…
Read MoreHow Do You Pray?
Many religions out there today make prayer so complicated. Some have pre-scripted chants, some require you to do or say things and repeat them over and over. Some prayers require you to be in a certain place, doing a specific action a few times a day. Prayer actually can be simple, yet how do so…
Read MoreBold Obedience
For the past weeks we’ve been exploring Hebrews 12. We’ve talked about endurance, discipline and obedience. Hebrews 12 offers a great vision of how to live as a child of God during these times we’re living. It is a great encouragement to us, as we follow Christ, to know that HIS kingdom cannot be shaken.…
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