Our Suffering Shapes Our Soul

Tonight’s study is on James 5, as we look at the suffering around us we can’t help but wonder where is God in all of this? Is there still hope for me? In this study we share words of faith that help us have hope in him and realize that he’s asking us to be…

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Remember Him

Today’s Study is on Ecclesiastes 12 – as we look at our youth and young age, we have to reflect on the fact that we won’t be young forever. This study is a reminder to look at our lives and remember our Creator and the one who formed us. We remind you that just taking…

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Knocked Down, But Not Destroyed

As Christians we go through a lot of trials and difficulties in this life, but we know that we are not destroyed. We know that God wins in the end and the best part is that we know how this story ends! We’ve been given the keys of knowledge to know that God will redeem…

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Killers Of Faith

Doubt, Sin, Disobedience….learn more in this video study as we share with you the main killers of your faith.

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Gen 1:1 In The Beginning

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Verse 2 says the earth was FORMLESS and EMPTY. Everything before God touches it has no meaning. Even our lives, before Jesus enters our hearts are empty and without meaning, but God forms a new creation within us. He gives us purpose, meaning and even…

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Made Clean

Made clean, what does that mean? To be purified. What kind of choices are you making to remain pure? In this message Mairyn speaks about a man in Matthew 8:2-4 who had leprousy. Jesus healed him from leprousy that day and he was made clean. In this story the bible speaks about how this man…

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