The Call Of Moses (Exodus 3 & 4)

This week we saw that we have to be 1: Attentive, 2: Willing and 3: Obedient to the call of God for our lives, we see that in the life of Moses there were ups and downs, but God never gave up on him. There were questions that he asked God to see if perhaps God changed his mind about using him, but it was the will of God to choose Moses as the deliverer and mediator of the people. That is true for you too, the Call of God for your life doesn’t change, if you have fallen off the path, get back on track, let God restore what He has already started.

For those of you that asked where the ONE YEAR Bible Readings are for the whole entire year, here is the PDF. Click Here To Download

Campus & High School Ministries

We keep fighting for our campus and high school ministries in prayer. We hope to launch a strong voice of believers in our schools in the next year. Please help us pray for the future plans to share the gospel in our county schools.