One Year Plan: How To Start

If you READ the Bible in ONE YEAR and you will learn so much and it will change your life!

Find Out Today’s READ Here.

Here are all your options:

By Email or PDF:

Are you looking to receive daily readings by email or PDFs of the studies/readings? Download the PDF for the entire year. If you like having it in hand, print it, carry it with you.

Daily Online Links:

If you go online at a computer everyday, this one is for you. Bookmark this link

By Phone / Tablet (Mobile Plan)

Listen to it at work, read it on your breaks in school: Start the “The One Year ® Bible” on YouVersion.

The One Year Bible (Paperback or Hardcover)

If you want the book, buy it here: One Year Bible (NLT)

The One Year Bible (eBook)

If you want the eBook, buy it on iBooks/iTunes: One Year Bible (NLT) eBook

More Information: Why do we encourage you to read the Bible in one year?
Josiah was the 16th King on the Southern Kingdom of Judah and under his leadership the Law of the Lord was recovered in the House of God and when scripture was rediscovered it brought about instant REFORM and REVIVAL…When scripture is rediscovered the entrance of his Word brings light.

Each Week, Each Day we are committed to READ the Word of God. We want a REVIVAL. And that REVIVAL comes through READing the Word of God and rediscovering the treasures of His powerful message to us. I encourage you to take 15-40 minutes a day to READ. Ask questions, take notes, revise your notes and apply them on your daily life. If you didn’t understand something, you can download the Blue Letter Bible iPhone App on your phone and listen to commentaries. It is very useful if you’re serious about studying the Word!