Reactions to My Hope America

For the month of November, there’s a campaign called “My Hope America”. “My Hope America with Billy Graham is a nationwide effort to reach people across the United States with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Following a simple biblical model, My Hope America with Billy Graham combines the impact of video programs with the power of personal relationships.” Read More


So my hope by Billy Graham was impacting to my life in such an amazing way. Where do I even start ….. As we watched my hope America in my youth group for the past two weeks, and to hear Lacey Strums story, how she felt and how she had no hope. How she wanted her life to end… I said “wow that was me at one point.” I was that girl also crying myself to sleep not wanting to wake up, I felt like I had no purpose .. So I looked up her music and I found the song “the reason” from my hope America album. The song really touched me. When we search and there is nothing that can satisfy us or when we don’t have a reason or hope to for tomorrow, we turn to God that created us for so much more, there is HOPE. Someone that gave their life for me and you! When we don’t have any more reasons to live, he will give us so many more… We were made to be His, we were made for Him. We were healed by his Grace and made for his love .. Which is the CROSS, Him paying such a High price for our sins. – Crystal Montalvo